Saturday, March 29, 2014

ABCDE Method of Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive remedies have proven to be the most effective self-remedies for learning how to deal with and overcome depression.  We know that people who experience depression or any unpleasant mental state, have negative or unhealthy thought patterns.  One very effective form of cognitive restructuring that leads to learning how to deal with depression is simply called ABCDE

A = Activating Event (Event that leads to the thoughts that lead to the emotional or behavioral turmoil)

B = Belief or Thought about the event

C = Consequences (Behaviors and feelings that come from the thoughts about the Activating Event)

D = Deciphering (Recognizing and Understanding) and Defeating ANT’s (Automatic Negative Thoughts)

E = Evidenced Based Positive Thought Development


Ultimately, it was her thoughts about A that lead to her emotional and behavioral reactions in C.  Utilize the Thought Journal below daily to begin to recognize your specific ABC’s and utilize D and E to begin to develop the thought patterns necessary to learn how to deal with and overcome depression.  

Thought Journal

A    Activating Event
(Situation, thought or physical sensation)

If A was a situation (Be specific)





If A was a thought:

Exact thought:

Where were you:

Who was around:

B   Beliefs

List all the thoughts you had about A:






Which thought caused the most unpleasant/depressed feeling? 

Rate how true you think this thought is (1 to 10):

C   Consequences
(Actions and feelings)

How do you feel (be specific):

Which feeling is directly tied to your A (Activating Event):

How strong is the feeling(1 to 10):

Write down your reactions/behaviors to A:

Which behavior is most associated with your A (Activating Event):

D     Deciphering and Defeating

Which thought caused the most unpleasant/depressed feeling? 

What ANT or cognitive distortion (see chart below) is your above mentioned thought:

Is the thought true: 

Yes  No

Is it productive for me to think this way: 

Yes   No

What would an observer think about your Thoughts (B) and Reactions (C):

Are my behaviors really rational; do they make sense:

If you were not distressed, would you have the thought above:

If you are having anxiety, what is the likelihood the event your anxious about will actually occur: 

E Evidence Based, Positive Thought Development

Replace the most powerful negative thought you named in D, with a more rational, healthy thought (use chart below to help:

If you have control over the situation, what action steps can you take to make you feel better (see the Worry Tree below to help you):

Now, do one of the following, Guided Breathing or Positive Affirmation Exercise (see below):

Finally, Reevaluate your feelings (1 to 10)

And Reevaluate your thoughts (1 to 10) And are they now rational:


Must have tools for ABCDE

In D and E learn to identify and overcome your automatic negative thoughts and move closer to learning how to deal with depression.

Click play above to begin your guided breathing exercises

A wonderful tool to learn how to deal with worry's and thus learn to move in the direction of diminishing anxiety and increasing confidence in learning how to deal with depression.
Click on the image below to begin to utilize positive affirmations daily as you use D and E to learn how to deal with depression.

Positive affirmations have proven to help you learn to develop the positive thought patterns needed to overcome and deal with depression.